Thursday, November 11, 2010

Plan... for a Good Goal

Hello Readers,

It's great to make goals.  Good goals, give us a good direction. 

Let me give you a few personal goals from our Lifestyle Challenge group.

James-does not like fish...will try to eat the one meal with fish included.(he already has a recipe)
Alex- has a crazy, busy schedule her challenge is to get in 5 days cardio...will put in next weeks schedule
Marlena-spends time with co-workers by eatting out...will plan to bring meals;walk with them instead
Stacia-does not like nuts(not allergic but just doesn't like-'wishes was allergic')...will try for a snack
Jen-would like to learn how to use another piece of  fitness equipment.
Mal- would like ride 30 minutes straight on bike without stopping.

What is your good goal for this week?

For Healthier Tomorrows,


1 comment:

  1. Meh. Can I switch to a different piece of equipment? Fish is fishy!

    I kid. I got my stuff and will try tonight.
